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Family Activities

All activities are for children with deafblindess and their families. These activities are planned and funded with the collaboration between Minnesota DeafBlind Project and Deafblind Services of Minnesota. We encourage families to register with the Minnesota DeafBlind Project for the full scope of activities and assistance. Please contact Brandy Sebera, Family Engagement Coordinator: brandy.sebera@brightworksmn.org
, 612-638-1505.

Moms’ Weekend

This is a weekend for moms who have children with combined hearing and vision loss (deafblindness). Moms come together and share stories, connect with others, learn from experts in the field about topics such as resources, funding options for the unique needs that children with deafblindness have, and strategies for how to balance life. Finally, in the busyness of raising children, moms also take some time to relax and have some fun so that they leave encouraged and recharged.

Family Swimming Event

This is another annual family event that typically happens in February or March. It’s held at an indoor pool that is wheelchair accessible and 92 degrees. It’s a lot of fun for all ages. This event also includes lunch and time to interact and connect with other families after swimming.

Winter Party

This event is held in January and includes a variety of activities, such as cookie decorating, games, and crafts. Families and interveners are welcomed.


Another family event that includes free bowling and lunch. Generally this event is held every two years during the winter/spring months. Inverveners are also encouraged to attend to help engage and support children with combined hearing and vision loss.

Intervener Appreciation Family Picnic

This family event is held each year, usually on the first Saturday in June. It’s fun for the whole family and includes recognizing, appreciating and thanking our invaluable community interveners. This picnic is also our most popular event and typically includes face-painting, a caricature artist, ice cream truck, balloon artist, lunch and more!

Children’s Theatre Opportunities

Tickets become available periodically throughout the year and are often offered at a discounted price for families and interveners to help facilitate access and support for children with deafblindness.

For Families

Register Your Child

For Professionals

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